Improving education in programming


As part of a wider consortium, UOC and the Open Universiteit are currently in partnership to deliver the Erasmus+ Project QPED (Quality-focused Programming Education). QPED is tasked with creating course material and toolkits to achieve a new curriculum for software engineering and general computer science studies, placing focus on quality assurance and software testing early on.

Here, new course material puts emphasis on proper testing as early in the education as possible, to foster a quality-awareness in students that goes beyond functional correctness as demonstrated by testing. Furthermore, to ensure that testing and paying attention to code quality is not only taught early, but also performed by students from the beginning, the project will develop a toolkit that can automatically provide feedback on the quality of the code produced by students. It will support the most common object-oriented and imperative programming languages, such as Java, Python and C.The toolkit and all material will be providedfree of charge and can be used inside the Quarterfall learning platform.

For more information, view the project site here

This project is co-funded by the erasmus + Programme of the European Union
